SAVIO, civic association, has joined the conjoint initiative #WhoWillHelpUkraine, which was launched on Thursday, February 24, 2022, in response to the incipient Russian invasion of Ukraine (more information about the initiative HERE). The invasion has been condemned by our entire political representation, including the President of the Slovak Republic and the Prime Minister, leaders of the EU, NATO and other countries. Together with other Slovak NGOs, we want to show solidarity and provide our help.
In Ukraine, we have been supporting the students of the Salesian Apprenticeship School, the orphanage called the “Pokrova Family House” through a scholarship fund for a long time, and we also cooperate annually in the implementation of summer camps for children in the Transcarpathian Ruthenia region. Our help will therefore be directed to the Salesians of Don Bosco, who ask not only for financial assistance, but foremost for prayers. You can listen to a short interview with Ukrainian Salesian Oleg on the Radio Lumen website. Even in these difficult times, the Salesians remain among the young people and their families, bringing both spiritual and material help.
The public can support this fundraising by:
• depositing or transferring a financial gift directly to a Salesian mission account:
IBAN: SK08 1100 0000 0026 2985 2138
Variable symbol: 014022
Organization Name: Saleziáni don Bosca
Organization Address: Miletičova 7, 821 08 Bratislava, Slovak Republic
Bank: Tatra banka, a.s., Slovak Republic
• QR code:

• via
The initiative is supported by: Ambrela, Amnesty International Slovakia, Bystriny, Centre for Community Organising, Centre for European Policy, Centre for Research on Ethnicity and Culture, People in Need, eRko – Movement of Christian Communities for Children, ETP Slovakia, Evangelical Diakonia ECAV in Slovakia, Fairtrade Czech Republic and Slovakia, Carpathian Foundation, Who Will Help Slovakia, League for Human Rights, Magna, Ekopolis Foundation, Integra Foundation, Milan Šimečka Foundation, Open Society Foundation, Civic Platform Not in Our City, OZ ADRA, OZ Hekima, OZ Mareena, OZ SAVIO, PDCS, Platform Voice, SME SPOLU / Ukraine-Slovakia SOS, Slovak Fundraising Centre, Slovak Humanities Council, Slovak Society for Foreign Policy (SFPA), Slovak Centre for Communication and Development, Unicef, Ukrainian-Slovak Initiative, Vagus