Would you say that apples can improve one’s life? Sisters Atunogie and Tumepewa have experience with that. In their garden they used to have old apple trees which had almost no fruit. Everything changed when they applied to the course on planting apples in the tropics. They learned how to tie crown branches, water and fertilize properly, how to use eco-friendly pest solutions such as garlic, soap and chilli. Their trees started to produce beautiful big apples which are very rare in Tanzania. Now they can sell each apple at the market for 500 Tanzanian shilling (approximately 20 cents). For young sisters it is a huge income which they have only dreamt of before. Atunogie and Tumepewa are two of 500 farmers whom we supported this year not only through training but also through planting almost 5900 apple trees, counselling and creating a supply chain for their apples. We would love to continue in these activities also in the upcoming year and help as many farmers as possible. Apples are extraordinary for farmers in Tanzania – they are a way out of poverty. Would you like to help them with us? For more information click HERE.