Why is it such a good idea to plant apples in Tanzania? There are couple of reasons for that. First of all, price of apples is stable throughout the year, the farmers have attractive profits from selling apples and can easily predict their yearly income. Moreover, apples ripen in the season when other crops are not ready yet and present a financial guarantee if other crops fail to grow. Moreover, investments returns are much quicker compared to other permanent crops such as coffee or timber trees. On average, apple trees start producing fruit in the third year after being planted and reach their maximum produce in the 7th year, producing 100kg apples per tree.
In our project focused on growing apples we also helped Shukran, 48-year old farmer living with his wife in the Bulongwa village in Tanzania. Shukran is a very experienced farmer. Training on growing apples in the tropics provided him with valuable skills which he uses in his garden. He is one of the best apple growers in the area and his orchard serves as an example to other farmers. Apart from apples he also grows tomatoes, beans and green leaves vegetables. A right care of apple trees resulted in a rich harvest in Shukran´s orchard this year out of which he managed to sell 100kg of apples. For Shukran, apples are extraordinary. They help him live a better life. Support other farmers in growing apples with us and donate HERE.