In Nairobi, there are tens of thousands of children living in the streets, with no care from their families or society. The Bosco Boys centre has rescued hundreds of them. It provides them with shelter and education until they finish the last, eighth grade of primary education. The majority of graduates do not have access to further education as it is very costly. After graduating from primary schools, they need to start working. Unfortunately, due to the lack of qualification and unsuitable labour skills, they are at risk of ending up in the streets again.
Thanks to the project, the Bosco Boys centre provided children not only with primary education, but informal courses of practical skills for older pupils were also run, including tailoring, carpentry, welding, growing crops, animal husbandry and cooking, so that young graduates were more adaptable to the labour market. The emphasis was put on developing the existing talents, especially in the spheres of music, dancing, drama, sports, acrobatics, handicrafts etc. These abilities can also mean advantage at the labour market. The subsequent trade with the hand-made items and products of individual courses and workshops helped to cover the operational expenses of the centre.
Besides practical skills, social skills were also developed. Children could attend holiday camps and formal school education was combined with the informal one, in order to support proper social development of children. School teachers and tutors could attend trainings to enhance their skills in reacting to specific needs of children with social disabilities and experiences with life in the streets. The project was supported by budgetary resources of the Slovak Republic through SlovakAid, the official programme of development assistance, by the sum of 217,574 euro.