The main objective of the project is to decrease unemployment of young people in Kenya through practical skills. Target group of the project are poor young people from Nairobi slums who have limited possibilities to obtain education. Therefore, specific objective of the project is to improve possibilities of disadvantaged youth in Nairobi to join labour market. The project plans to achieve this goal through building practical skills in electro-technical specialization of refrigeration and AC, as well as through other employment supporting activities.
The project takes place in a government-certificated Technical Institute Don Bosco Boys Town in Nairobi. Electro-technical industry is a fast growing industry in Kenya. However, labour market is lacking qualified workforce to ensure installation and maintenance of equipment concerned. Thus, project opened a course of electro-technical specialization refrigeration and AC, which is the first project result. New specialization is added to an existing solar energy specialization and thus will expand possibilities to obtain practical skills in the field. Workshop hall was renovated and equipped with necessary furniture and equipment. Afterwards, the course was opened.
Important part of the project is focused on linking graduates with labour market, what is the second planned project result. Students will take part in on the job training, career orientation seminar, entrepreneurship training, talented students will receive a start-up kit to support their self-employment. Project will ensure monitoring and support to employed graduates. The third planned result is a higher quality of education and services in Boys Town. Project will equip workshops with new equipment and material what will increase quality of practical classes and attractiveness of students to future employers. Higher quality of education and services will be achieved also through trainings of pedagogical skills and preventive system for teachers, as well as through psychological services for Boys Town students.
The project started in August 2018 and will run until July 2020. The project was supported by SlovakAid with 175 352 eur.