Besides direct assistance in the target countries, we also run educational activities, focused on raising awareness and disseminating information about the poorest countries and regions of the world among children and young people in particular. It is also important to form their attitudes, raise solidarity and mutual responsibility with lives of the others.
The project was based on a touring exhibition, starting in July, 2009 and ending up in December, 2010. The exhibition was accompanied by discussions, creative workshops, multi-media presentations and other activities concerned with education about development activities, implemented in cooperation with schools and other organizations. Ten boards with pictures from Angola, Kenya, Sudan, Azerbaijan and Siberia were described by short texts and stories of children, informing about their life conditions in the countries. Interesting speeches and experience of 30 former volunteers attracted visitors during 55 events – discussions and creative workshops.
Till December 2010, the exhibition travelled through 25 primary and secondary schools, five youth centres and three events in the whole Slovakia. It was presented in Bratislava, Trnava, Podolie, Partizánske, BanskáBystrica, Žilina, Rožňava, Košice, Zvolen, Kokava nad Rimavicou, Želiezovce, Poprad, Michalovce, Sobrance, Humenné, Stropkov, Prešov, Levoča, and Liptovský Mikuláš. Due to the large number of interested schools, we decided to continue showing the presentation even after the official conclusion of the project.
Besides the main project activities, a CD with texts and pictures for education on development was published and distributed among primary and secondary schools and youth organizations.
The project was run with the support of the SlovakAid organization.