• 2023Angola - Huambo
  • 2022Kenya - Kakuma
  • 2021Siberia: Yakutsk and Aldan
  • 2020Kenya: Kakuma
  • 2019India: Kerala
  • 2018Kenya: KORR

    The 13th annual public appeal, Tehlicka (Brick) 2018 was enrolled by MoI SR to the registry of public fundraisings 23rd October 2017 under the number SVS-OVS2- 2017/035609.

    The gross earnings of the collection is represented by 163,310.50 Euro. The costs of the collection were 16.17 percents. Net gain is 136,902.51 Euro. The donations will be used to help the inhabitants of Korr to get better access to drinking water and to energy. We want to increase the awareness of the importance of education for all as well as contribute to formal and informal education of children and youth. Direct participants of the collection are 99 kindergartens, primary, secondary and high schools and almost 36 youth and other organizations all over Slovakia. The advertising and educational materials were sent to all participants, not only as the collection campaign but also in order to support education and awareness of aid to developing countries. The schools were running, with our consent, their own activities to support the goal of the collection. We thank all participants.

    Everything you supported from your donations in KORR, KENYA – TEHLIČKA 2018:

    1. A new metal water tank was purchased to replace the old rusted and leaking tank. As part of the project unsuitable parts of the pipeline were replaced with new ones and the necessary reconstruction work was carried out for its overall renovation. The excavation work was done with the help of the local community, as part of their participation in the project. At the same time the gutter system of the large hall and its connection to the tank were repaired to ensure its filling during the rains.

    This part of the project has significantly improved the rainwater harvesting system for the Don Bosco Mission as well as the local community in Korr.

    2. Renovation of the existing basketball court and spectator benches – the implementation of this activity was delayed due to the global pandemic COVID-19. The supplier is contracted.

    3. Fencing the football field with mesh. The football pitch was previously an open space where young people faced challenges, especially a leaky ball, due to sharp thorns. The young people took part in the construction of the football field fence, within their means and abilities. Young people now have the right conditions to play football and to develop their sporting talent.

    4. Metal chairs in the number of 150 pieces were purchased and delivered to the main hall. Metal chairs were chosen with regard to the high load and long life of this furniture. Also supplied were 10 tables and 10 benches, installation of satellite, decoder, hall sound system – 4 center speakers, 2 microphones, 1 amplifier, 4 speaker stands, laptop, 50-inch TV and accessories for connection to a desktop computer. Young people in Korr thus have access to a well-equipped hall and can also be educated through study videos.

    5. A modern library for primary, secondary and higher education has been set up. Various teaching materials were purchased. Various sports equipment was purchased for indoor and outdoor games. These include table tennis, darts, badminton, soccer balls, chess … The youth in Korr have better access to relevant study materials and games.

    6. Equipment of dormitory with mattresses. 100 mattresses and 100 mattress covers were purchased and delivered to the Don Bosco Mission. Improvement of accommodation for boys and girls accommodated in the boarding school in Korr.

    7. Implement youth programs, such as life skills training, three times a year during the school holidays. Each training was 3 days. The training was provided by Stings for life – Kenya from Nairobi. The training was attended by an average of 43 young people, boys and girls.

    8. Improving access to energy through the purchase of solar panels and solar batteries. The Don Bosco Korr mission is not connected to the national grid and therefore relies on solar energy for lighting. The project includes the purchase of 12 solar panels and 12 solar batteries. So far, 4 solar batteries have been installed due to the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic. The original solar system was planned for a smaller complex of buildings, which, however, grew to include a food service, a nursery, a social hall, and thus became insufficient.

    9. Empower women by offering seminars and training on: early marriages, female genital mutilation (FGM), nutrition, natural family planning and girls’ education. Women in Marsabit are experiencing discrimination and lack of participation in the development process of society due to cultural and social limits in the community. This is mainly due to early marriages, female genital mutilation, early school leaving and limited access to information concerning their sexual and reproductive health. However, several women overcame these limitations by joining forces through the Association of Catholic Women on Mission Korr to form the Fatima Women Group. The project worked closely with management and members of this group as one of the ways to reach women in the community. The seminars were also enriched by the participation of a local medical envoy from Marsabit County. Women and girls passed on their life experiences to other women and girls, thus enriching and supporting each other. The seminars took place in the cities – Farakoreni, Lapendera, Lokichula, Legima, Ngurunit and Korr. Field activities took place on Friday afternoon – these included interviews with community volunteers about treatment and health awareness. The community appreciated the community’s approach to health services, as most government spending is closed due to a lack of medicines.

    10. The project also included support for a group that wants to operate a corn mill (Posho mill) in Don Bosco Korr. They provide the services that members of the local community need, and thus ensure their income. Proceeds from this activity will be part of the sustainability of the project and will allow them to continue to sensitize other women to issues that affect them.

    Thank you, dear donors and all participants! 

  • 2017South Sudan: Gumbo
  • 2016Syria
  • 2015Central African Republic
  • 2014Angola: Kala-Kala
  • 2013Kenya: Langata
  • 2012South Sudan: Manguo
  • 2011Wells: South Sudan, Kenya, Chad, Ecuador
  • 2010Kenya: Bosco Boys
  • 2009Sudan: Gumbo
  • 2008Angola and Azerbaijan
  • 2007Siberia: Yakutsk and Aldan
  • 2006Azerbaijan: Baku